Sunday, 17 July 2011

My life in repeat

Living in the world of repeat is my life.  My mother has altzhimers and I spend my day answering the same question over and over again.
I would love to know what goes on in her head in 1 hour and 20 mins she came up and asked the same question 10 times and it gets frustrating for me but how must she feel.
She has lived in this house for over 40 years but yet she doesn't remember that she lives here and often asks when she will be going home. How would you feel looking around a house you have lived in for years raised your children and grandchildren in, not remember 2 of your grand children being born IN this house and having now clue where you are.
She often introduces me as her mother instead of her daughter and that is how it feels at times that I have another child.
I have been thinking about this all day and have come to the conclusion that home schooling is not going to happen, as opposed to home birthing that makes perfect sense as I didn't have to leave her but home schooling is just not going to work for us at this time.


  1. I think of your Mum often. It isn't fair, for her, or for you and the family. Sending her a virtual hug.

  2. Do you have any repite care help?

  3. Mum goes to respite during the day monday to friday from about 8am till 5pm but thats all we can get as she is not "high" care enough to need more apparently
